My mom made me Rouge at Sephora

I just needed folks to laugh with who would understand why I was in a complete panic. I’m on a replacement-only low-buy and was dedicated to staying within VIB or below. I’m getting married very soon and in the past few months, there have been a few instances that called for new makeup. I went on my bachelorette trip and forgot my makeup bag so had to buy a few things to hold me over that I couldn’t borrow from my girls. I treated myself to perfume for the big day. I bought a new lipstick for my wedding since I didn’t have one. I was still very careful to make sure everything I was bringing in was mindful, but in the midst of trauma and wedding planning I didn’t know how careful I was actually being. So I went into Sephora to pick up cologne for my soon to be husband and the cashier thanked me for being a Rouge customer. I panicked. I couldn’t figure out where I had gone wrong. I know I’ve had to replace some bigger items and I did get myself a new hair tool since mine died, but by no means did I ever spend close to anything that would make me Rouge. I spoke with my mom later that day about something unrelated and she let slip that she made a huge purchase at Sephora a few weeks ago. You see, my mom wanted a brand new face of makeup for my wedding and realized most of her makeup was very old. So she went in and did exactly that. They couldn’t find her in the system, so she put my phone number in so I could “get the points”. She also bought a few birthday gifts and put those purchases on my account too. So I’ve actually been really, really good. It’s my mom who went wild 😂