Nobody Revives anymore?

A couple of minutes ago, I was playing MWZ, messing around in Zone 3 when I joined a random squad fighting a Mega Abomination and helped them finish it off. Afterwards, I decided, “F it, I’m gonna try the mystery box here,” expecting a Green COR-45, but somehow, luckily, I got the Wonderwaffe. Approximately three seconds after getting it, I immediately got absolutely jumped by a hellhound. Mind the fact that I forgot to plate up, so I went down and bled out, just for my teammates to leave me for dead. So I thought, “Oh, they probably got Schematics or something good. I’m just gonna plea and wish for the best.” A couple of minutes go by, and at this point, I’m starting to get a little desperate, so I text in chat, “Can anyone revive me, please? I got the Wonderwaffe.” At this point, I’m willing to give the person who revives me all my essences [Which I usually do] and my Wonderwaffe, just for my teammates to say, “$5 [Random Cash App Tag].” Just as soon as they were Exfiling.

I’m kind of new to zombies since I usually play MP and WZ. Plus, whenever I do play zombies, I usually play with randoms who are either trading or immediately leave my squad. Also, whenever someone asks for help, I usually run across the map to assist them, even if it means it’s a death wish or going into Threat Zone 3 with non-Pack-a-Punched grey guns. So, I want to know, is it common for people to be douchebags and hold you for ransom over a game?