Why is lucid dreaming so underrated and unheard of?

What I don't really understand is how lucid dreaming isn't more popular. Literally, every night when you go to sleep you can do anything you can imagine for at least thirty minutes, HOW COME SO MANY PEOPLE KNOW/CARE. Whatever you want to see, feel, experience, you can do in a dream and it feels just like real life. It sounds way too good to be true but it isn't you can literally do it tonight.

Lucid dreaming is just so fucking amazing I've seen and done things that I will probably never get to do in my real life. I've went inside black holes, visited other planets, dimensions, practiced skills and sports, learnt to do a backflip, fought battles as a Viking just to name a few and I just physically can't comprehend the fact that billions of people have lived and died without ever experiencing that. I always have nihilistic and pessimistic thoughts and lucid dreaming really makes me feel more than human in a weird way.

So once again, I ask how the fuck does 95% of the human population not care?