The Hanni debacle at the reunion

  • Lots of opinions on whether Hanni was being bullied or just called out. I felt like it was a pile on. It started with reading out hate comments which was totally uncalled for. Hanni looked blindsided by the reading out of the comments and Jen, Alina and Ilias ganging up on her. She did not cry until she was forced to respond while she was understandably emotional from hearing those accusations.
  • The intentions behind the people calling her out was to shame her on TV for receiving attention from men. If it was problematic that she and Ilias flirted (in a show where drama is encouraged) then Ilias should have been grilled equally. If it was concern for Daniel being strung along then why blindside him as well? They could have just informed Daniel when it happened and not waited to be on TV at the reunion.
  • Why is there such a taboo around wanting clout? How many contestants of LIB are there who have refused the public attention they received from being on the show? All those who "called out" Hanni wanted to generate drama and gain followers from it. If the calling out were indeed from a moral high ground then they would've done it right when the incidents happened and not waited for the cameras to come back around.
  • To be clear, calling out the host, Jen, Alina and Ilias's behaviors does not mean that I am defending Hanni for her actions. She meddled in another couple's relationship. These "tests" are never good. She should have seen the heat coming and prepared herself mentally for those questions. But I do think the heat dished out at the reunion was unfairly distributed and she got the brunt of it.
  • Overall, there is no taking sides in this mess. All of them are hypocrites. All of them stir up drama for clout. All of them move forward with relationships they know might fail just to get airtime. That's what we subscribed to watch.