Shella and Pascal (reunion thoughts)
I feel for Shella. A year later she doesn't seem like she's completely moved on from Pascal. 😬 Meanwhile, Pascal not only seems to have learned to open up but also has a girlfriend now apparently. Ouch.
I feel like Shella might have projected a lot onto Pascal. The feelings didn't seem completely mutual. I feel so bad. Like she took his ambiguity and nice guy demeanor as a blank canvas to project his ideal of a man upon. Throughout the show I always felt that he wasn't completely authentic or ... real. I smell fear underneath that good boy smile. He has that kind of smile like a little boy who's guilty of having done something bad.
Girl needs a better radar for detecting when a guy is being nice because they feel guilty vs. when they're being genuinely real and kind. Of course there's much much more to this conversation and would love to hear you guys' input.