[LOTM] When and where would you like to be reincarnated if you had to go to LOTM

For context you can pick any location or time period from the first to fifth epoch for your time travel. You would arrive as 20 years of age, and you have a half a year period where you won't go noticed by the gods by thinking their names, after that then you have to get to a high enough sequence or get something to suppress corruptive knowledge. To spice things up and make sure advancement is possible and you aren't gate kept out of any sequence you will get the knowledge of 1 complete pathway of your choice. beyonder characteristics are on you to obtain.

For me personally, I would travel to 20 years before ancient sun god woke up and pick the Error pathway. I would have 20 years to reach sequence 2 or maybe even 1 in order to convince ASG to give me Error uniqueness. With there being many gods advancing in the coming Epoch, there would be many opportunities to hold my apotheosis ritual. This is probably the most risk option, with there being many mad gods going around and the general suppression of the human race, but if you don't choice this then you are basically giving up on become LOTM, and the other ATS being will always be below a pillar in strength. Highest risk, highest reward.