Linkin Park Top 25 voted by r/LinkinPark. Comment and Vote for the #2 position.
Hi everyone. What a great start to this series. Initially I thought it was going to be a close battle but Waiting for the End knocked it out of the park yesterday with over 450 upvotes and will be the #1 LP song voted by this community.
Today, comment and vote for the #2 position.
At the end of this series, these 25 songs will be made into a playlist on different platforms for people to discover LP’s best songs.
I’m also considering to do these at different times so that people in different time zones get a chance to comment and participate.
Rules (Updated)
All tracks including bonuses and tracks that weren’t included in the original record for eg. More The Victim, Lost, Friendly Fire etc. are allowed.
Top voted comment decides the winner. (Scrapped the initial plan to add votes from multiples comments as users pointed out that it’ll be an unfair voting)
Keep it friendly. This is a fun post to celebrate the band’s return with a kickass new album. LP has always made multi-genred music so it’s obvious people will have varying opinions. Please be respectful.
P.S. Feel free to give any suggestions or feedback on this series and I’ll try to implement as we move forward.