There are no real rules to life

Everywhere we go, there are rules of society. There are laws and regulations; all of which vary depending on exactly where you're located in the world at the time. Some rules & laws seem reasonable, because they align with our own personal values and morals; which is also nothing more than a man-made creation because we too, are human.

Depending on what your culture and the beliefs that are instilled to you are, is typically what you will ultimately believe as the true way of life. Such as your religious beliefs, what is accepted as a society norm, the type of food you enjoy, among many other things.

Of course, people can and do still break free, so to speak, of some of their immediate cultural or society norm beliefs. Such as someone being raised in a heavily populated Christian based area, merging to a new religion or becoming agnostic/atheist.

When we look at other countries, we often feel as though we're looking at an entirely different world. Their cultural beliefs, rules, and society norms are entirely different.

If there truly were a set way of life for humans, we'd all live exactly the same and hold the same values and morals.

I personally find beauty in the people who drop deconstruct from every man made rule, become a nomad, and just live to enjoy the Earth. It's the beauty of breaking every rule. Less extreme are those who choose to be their most authentic selves, who always stand out in a crowd.

Anyway, this is just something I've thought about a lot for awhile now. It's very eye opening if you think about it long enough.