I’m Only Human
This is a hybrid “need to vent,” “career success,” and “kindness and support” all in one.
I am an M&A attorney. I enjoy my work, for the most part. Honestly! Of course I’m not clicking my heels to the office everyday, but if I’m honest, I have a good team around me, supportive bosses, awesome paralegals, and (mostly) clients that I enjoy doing work for (and actually like as people too).
That being said, I have realized that each day I get up and get to work, I have about 5 hours of good, focused work in me. That’s it. That is where I tap out.
That seems to be my human limit. I just can’t go beyond that. After five hours, I’m just a zombie. Less engaged, more error prone, etc.
The work we do is so tedious and detail oriented. Every word in a purchase agreement matters. The subscription agreement for an equity raise has to be spotless lest we risk an enforcement action. Data rooms are vast. And all of this while putting out daily fires and responding to emails. It requires a lot of focus.
I’m new to this (been practicing about 1.5 years)….but I don’t see how this is sustainable? How do we work 8-10 hour days sustaining this level of focus? Are we even meant to work this way? Is it even good for our clients?
Anyway. Idk. I know this is kind of a half baked thought. But does someone here, anyone, follow me?