The logic behind White Purity Style is way simpler than people make it out to be
I've seen comments about how it's about torque, or it's like a gun, or it's just random bullshit. The technique really just combines the fastest orientation and the fastest grip.
The curve of a katana is asymmetrical. For the fastest attack possible off the draw, the katana's curve has to be facing up. This lets the blade exit straight outward when it is drawn. If the orientation is flipped so the curve faces the ground, the blade exits upward with way more vertical movement and has to be brought back down towards the target.
The reverse grip is a faster motion than the normal grip. However, with standard technique, using the reverse grip means you also have to use the slower sword orientation in order to keep the blade on the striking side.
Iai White Purity Style lets you have both for the quickest possible draw, but the tradeoff is that the blade starts the wrong way around. If you're somehow skilled enough to correct for that without losing any speed, you'll just be faster than everyone else.
I've seen comments about how it's about torque, or it's like a gun, or it's just random bullshit. The technique really just combines the fastest orientation and the fastest grip.
The curve of a katana is asymmetrical. For the fastest attack possible off the draw, the katana's curve has to be facing up. This lets the blade exit straight outward when it is drawn. If the orientation is flipped so the curve faces the ground, the blade exits upward with way more vertical movement and has to be brought back down towards the target.
The reverse grip is a faster motion than the normal grip. However, with standard technique, using the reverse grip means you also have to use the slower sword orientation in order to keep the blade on the striking side.
Iai White Purity Style lets you have both for the quickest possible draw, but the tradeoff is that the blade starts the wrong way around. If you're somehow skilled enough to correct for that without losing any speed, you'll just be faster than everyone else.