Why no external murder theory makes sense

There are a few reasons why I feel that any theory which posits the killer being outside of the house doesn’t make sense.

  1. The killer would specifically have to hate John and Patsy enough to risk the death penalty.

Colorado in 1996 still had the death penalty. This means the killer would be risking death row if caught.

This person would have to have a tremendous amount of hate for the Ramsey family, a high risk taking personality, and a high level of confidence he or she would never be caught to risk their literal life to hurt the Ramseys

2) This person would also have to be a pedophile or if not a pedophile, have enough of a pedophiliac element to a sadistic paraphilia to digitally rape a 6 year old just prior to killing her.

3) In addition to hating the Ramseys and being a sexually sadistic killer with pedophiliac tendencies, this person would also have to be very familiar with the layout of the house.

It has been established the house was very large and confusing. The area where Jonbenet was found was one of the least easily accessible areas also.

  1. This person would have to be quite the criminal mastermind that they could leave little true evidence pointing to themselves, such as no concrete DNA evidence; and that they could mastermind the crime scene in such a way that they made it so so many signs pointed to John or Patsy or Burke being the killer.

And they would be so brazen and risk friendly to sexually assault and murder a child, but also be self controlled enough to never get arrested before or after in 27 years.

Even then, this raises so many questions.

Let’s say this person existed.

They are as established sadistic sexual thrill killer who hates John and Patsy. That being the case, why not kill John himself? Patsy?

They are clearly a sadistic criminal mastermind, not make it look like John or Patsy or both murdered their kids or their entire family?

Why not kill just even both Burke and Jonbenet?

Why not murder the whole family out of the aforementioned hatred?


Because simply put, this sadistic Ramsey hating pedophiliac mastermind murderer doesn’t exist and has never existed.

Which means, that if a killer outside of the house doesn’t exist and has never existed, the killer was always someone inside the house.