Jet lag: the game UKNIGHTED KINGDOM

I call it " jet lag:the game: uknighted kingdom" (halirous right??).

SECTION 1- THE BOARD: The UK is small like new Zealand, so it's a similar set up to season 5, and in the UK (Scotland Wales and england are included but it could be played in just england 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿) there are alot of castles, so road networks are how you get to castles, and once you get near a castle you enter its territory (the territory is claimable) but if it's unclaimed or an enemy's territory you cannot use maps to find the castle. only the road signs, and other non map things can be used, and no prior research can be use to determine a castles location in its territory!!!!!

THE IDEA: My idea is kind of knights of the round table and 1800s (hence the use of no maps and a stead/chariot!!!) Players get a car (like season 5) called their stead (or chariot🤷‍♂️) in that car they get stuff for challenges and 25 swords (these will be cards, like towers in season 6). The sword cards! relate to one of the real knights of the round table.(remember this)

CLAIMING TERITORY: The knights (the crew and guest) will have to "raid a castle" ( do a challenge to enter a castle) then they enter the castles, but to claim it and its territory the players must knight their teamate with one of the 25 sword cards (each sword will have a power up or curse dependent on who gets pulled)

ATTACKING: To attack an opponents castle, a team will form an army. When deciding to attack the attackers enter a "prep" stage for 15mins, they cannot do a challenge or claim unclaimed territory during this time. This prep time is only there so the defenders can get the advantage, the defenders are not notified of the prep time until it's completed, then they get attacked. Attackers and defenders roll five 10 sided die each (so 1 army could have up to 50 troops from the die) This is then turned into a percentage and put on a wheel. The attackers get +10 troops for just being attackers, but if the defenders "up thier defences" (text the attackers, they think thier going to attack within the next 30 minutes during the attackers prep phase) then the defenders get the +10 troops. Whoever the wheel lands on gets the territory, and yes it can be reattacked

To whoever reads this, thank you, and to the actual team, thank you for reading. please contact if you need claifacition on things😊😊

There's alot more I need to figure out about this but it took me like 1 min to get the full idea in my head😭😭 lmao so some stuff is unfinished/balanced but it'll work when I make some adjustments 👍👍