Tell me if i am wrong
I personally find this sub pretty helpful and humorous other than a few people ofcourse, But don't you think the JEE/IIT thing is overly hyped now? To a point where some people here have normalized su$cides arguing that its a common thing each year before the exam.
I am not undervaluing IIT aspirations in any way, Sure there are people who have genuine dreams of getting in an IIT for educational purposes rather than just for the tag itself, And many of these people are mature as well (They value their life more than the exam).
But the problem arises when they attain this mindset that IIT is the only college that matters and every dream should be the dream of being an IITian.....I dont know how it was a few years back but especially since the release of Kota Factory it has been a huge hit. My question is, Cant people have any other dreams?, And even if they aspire to get such educational qualifications (but not from IIT or through JEE), do you think this recent culture is worth the hype?, Is it worth the sacrifice of the lives and dreams of some people?
See i can be totally wrong here, I am currently in 12th and I gave JEE as well. Earlier due to lack of knowledge about the college opportunities I was under the impression that jee was the only way to be a good CS Engineer, But recently i came to realise that its genuinely a factory, A never ending circle where your inner creativity kinda dies. The big crowd i saw for this examination was crazy. Ofcourse i dont know how much value an IIT degree holds in the world in future, But one thing i am sure of is that I would better prefer working on my own ideas and try to make it rather than entering this system.
*I dont mean in any sense that education is not valuable, but the way we are being educated is wrong. My problem here is our education system. Growing up i am starting to realise how they have killed my interests in getting knowledge of particular subjects, Why?, Cuz those who simply cram things or memorize formulas are the ones being called more intelligent these days, while i dont believe in that theory. And this is not just for jee but our entire education sys concluded.