Finished the game last night - thoughts

I finished the game just before the difficulty settings were added. I wish I could have used them! This game was hard. Early on you have so little research tech that makes life easier for you, it's very easy to get yourself stuck without power/alloy/food and then the crew become too angry to let you fix it. I had to restart several times. Getting enough research technology made the game so much easier. By the end I was almost self-sufficient.

The story is what kept me coming back to it. I wanted to see what happens! It's like the best bits of Homeworld, Battlestar Galactica and Startopia. I'll be thinking about this game for a long time.

The ending wasn't as strong as the beginning sadly. I won't post any spoilers but having to rush at the end meant I couldn't enjoy the lore bombs being dropped. Also the various endings all felt bleak. The game isn't a happy one to begin with, but it felt like a hollow victory whatever I chose.

I really hope there will be a sequel or expansion. I would love to play more.