Sharing then regretting it…
Anyone ever shared their experience with a friend and then instantly regretted it?
I shared an update on our fertility journey (which is that we’re starting to think about the donor route) with a friend yesterday and her comments were really odd. I’ve started to make peace with our situation so looking forward to that as our next option and she almost wanted me to be more devastated than I am? Saying things like…
“You’re a better person than me for considering doing that. I could never”
“You’re going to have to live with this decision for the rest of your life”
“Are you getting pick of people pitying your situation”
When I left, I was walking home and feeling really strange about it. Though I didn’t have the words to address it right then and there.
I txt her after and said, “I know it probably goes without saying but as we’re sortve just starting to talk about and navigate this pretty complex time and what it is that’s right for us would really appreciate you keeping what I shared with you to yourself. I really appreciated the listening ear though thank you 💛”
I sent that over 24 hours ago and she’s never replied.
I’m full on anxiety and just imagine her repeating everything I told her to anyone who will listen.
Just kicked myself, whyyyy did I share anything to begin with.