Feeling a bit ungrateful lately
Hey guys, I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science in August and took a help desk job in September to get out of my previous role as a bartender. My job is a little boring and it's a small company, I spend a lot of time sitting around waiting for emails and calls, and do some of the shipping and receiving. I make 41k salary which is incredibly underwhelming, but I know I need entry level IT experience. My only real goal is money. I like IT, and today when trying to automate a task I was prompted with the "scripting isn't allowed on this system" which really bummed me out. In school I really wanted to work as a SWE but I kind of just grabbed the first given to me due to the market and so I could move on with my life. I just got the Sec+ book to start studying for that cert, and I'm thinking when I hit the 6m-1y mark I'll look for sysadmin positions. Honestly I just want to make 6 figures in the next 3-5 years or sooner, I just want comfortable living. Does this track seem like that is achievable?