Can’t figure out if I’m INTP or INTJ

I feel like I’m getting conflicting pieces of information on whether I’m INTJ or INTP. Does anyone know what are the key differences?

I feel like I’m a generally ambitious person that likes to plan out things far in the future, but I find more fun in the actual planning rather than following it exactly. I have a lot of goals/want to accomplish a lot of things that people sometimes say are too delusional or idealistic - also relating to this I’m kind of sensitive to criticism and don’t have a ton of confidence in my abilities

I’ve been told that I’m a cheery person that brings positivity. I really like going after seemingly difficult things or problems but start to lost interest in it once it’s no longer new or puzzling and I’m not super social unless it’s like a debate or some type of intellectually challenging conversation abt some topic that I’m rly interested in (usually something sciencey). i’m hoping to become a physician scientist/cancer researcher. I can read people pretty well and sometimes find myself molding my personality to fit what I think other people are expecting. I’m like the type of person that wants to do/learn about anything and everything I find cool in the universe even though I know it’s impossible and often get super indecisive about what path or decision to follow. generally it’s pretty rare that I end up liking someone in a romantic manner and sometimes I think I like the feeling of being liked or admired but don’t end up reciprocating unless I met someone that challenges me and is better than me in every way/motivates me