Gotta love all you that think Wes actually humiliated himself...

First, IMO, Wes should've won. All you complaining about him throughout the season is proof enough. He was the biggest villain there. Basically a puppet master throughout the whole season. If you watch a recent podcast of his with bananas, he understood the assignment. He wanted to be messy. He wanted to be manipulative. He wanted to see what he could get away with. He should've won. Safaree didn't do shit all season. It became a popularity contest instead of picking the best villain. Richard, Victoria, and New York understood that. The others just got their poor feelings hurt. As far as Jesse making him beg, if you couldn't tell that Wes was 100% sarcastic while begging, then I can't help you. Wes didn't need the money like others. He was there to have fun and stir up shit. He succeeded. The money was just a cherry on top.