The New 40k roadmap after the EC reveal

In now we have the IG, the aeldari and the EC. WE now that the guard is planned for the 25/01/2025 we d'ont have date for the aeldari and EC but it is certains than they will Come in the folowing months february or march.

In comming next we have the WE, DG and TS maybe some new models for this factions as well as the inclusion of chaos deamons in each codex.

In on the horizon we have 4 artworks of 40k who represente : The grey knight The black templar The salamanders The chaos knight

Some speculates that the salamanders one represente an upgrade of the SM codex.

Also the IK have disaper, there were on the 2024 roadmap who annonce the IG and the Eldar but there not on the New roadmap