Finally Beat Glabrata; No femdophilus

I've posted many times on this subreddit for the past 7 months and im hoping this will be my last on my condition! I just beat Glabrata (I hope... based on my latest culture and the fact that im not flaring on my period rn for the first time)

Health profile: - 21AFAB - Got floxed by cipro after massive uti in may, had symptoms but only managed to test positive for glabrata in August - Lives in Asia - Non diabetic, but immunocompromised because of the amount of stress and shit that's happened to me that isn't very relevant, but just have been thrown a lot of stuff that prevented me from getting adequate rest and nutrition - on and off antibiotics leading up to glabrata due to several bacterial infections ive had. - no other known conditions, besides irregular periods and crazy hormones LOL

What cured me: 3 months of nystatin tablets (100,000 IU) inserted vaginaly

What most likely helped: Zinc supplements 50mg (2-3 times a week) Regular consumption of oats, raisins, chia seeds, etc Chicory root powder Cutting out sugar, sticking to low carbs and limiting milk

What did not help but might help you: - Boric acid 21 days - Femdophilus or any probiotic thats been recommended to insert vaginally (I happen to live in an area without femdoph etc, and they dont deliver to where I am with an ice pack, and It's insanely warm here, going up to >85F) - antifungal creams of any kind (my hooha is insanely sensitive and i would burn from any kind of antifungal cream nomatter what i used) - feminine washes (however i did use one that was with povidone iodine 7% concentration for 2 weeks, once a day on my nystatin treatment, which will help treat the candida on your vulvar area. this didnt burn me as much and had no fragrance) - taking probiotics orally (of all the kinds you could think of that other women have recommended on here)

what I learned (to preface, this is based on the fact that my good bacteria is extremely low and my treatment plan was focused on building that up) - Taking probiotics wont help as much as building your own good bacteria's defences; artificially adding good bacteria can help, but may not be sustainable. Increase soluble fiber to help naturally act as prebiotics for your own good bacteria. Inserting nystatin vaginally helped, but it helped way faster once i started introducing more soluble fiber. - Nystatin inserts can take a long time. i saw some ladies try for 2 weeks and gave up, but mine took 3 months (with some flares here and there around my period) to resolve. as im typing this, i havent had symptoms in 2 weeks and my swab came back negative for glabrata. - My zinc uptake is rly bad, im honestly really deficient in many ways so i started taking zinc more

closing notes: Will have to monitor for flares, which I do get, but it seems like ive generally gotten it under control and each flare has gotten better and better, with symptoms getting gradually better until ive been asymptomatic. im still going to be on nystatin for a while before waning off slowly upon guidance of my ID doctor, but hooray!!!! a win is a win.

TLDR: Nystatin and taking probiotics and seeing where i was deficient helped. did not take femdoph. am open to any questions.

edit 1: its been 1 month since i posted,still doing well so far

edit 2: 10 months since my post, my life has gone completely back to normal.