Lowest fin and minox doses yet still effective?
Hi, I suffer from diffused thinning and my doc wants me on 3mg fin 3x a week but it gives me horrible side effects at that dose. He tells me that going below 3mg is pointless, but I've read in this sub about people having success with 1mg and less. Thing is, even at 1mg I have had very bad side effects (low libido, ED, zero drive to workout, muscle weakness, tachycardia, depression, could swear my dick shrunk) Is 0.25 fin effective enough? Could I take even less than that? How often should I take it to minimize side effects and still be it effective? Same with oral minoxidil. He wants me on 1mg a day, but I get puffed face and headaches from hell. What's the lowest dose I could take and still be worth it? How often should I take it? Thank you