My wife asked me to leave after Christmas

I have known my wife for twenty-four years. We dated in middle school, broke up. We dated in high school and she broke up with me senior year to date another guy. Lots of pain and time to get over her but I did.

Fast forward seven years and we reconnected online. I lived and worked out of state, and she was married, so just chatting and catching up. A few years later I moved back to my hometown and got a new job and went back to school (collage, had not been successful twice, so third attempt). Things were great, we started meeting up for coffee once or twice a week. Her marriage was not going well, and after it ended our relationship deepened.

I helped her move into a new apartment with her two kids, and started to visit her at home. They were 1 and 3 at the time. We made dinners together, watched movies, played together, and eventually I began to stay the night.

After a year (or two?) in the apartment she was faced with a sudden rise in cost (no longer qualifying for income based). She began to worry about where her and her kids would love, and she was working an internship for school. I had saved a bunch of money working out of State (not much to do in small towns, lol) so I bought a house in 2004, and moved them in. I was working as a caretaker for disabled adults, so money was not plentiful, but we had enough and were happy.

We had a daughter at this time (unplanned), and when she was 11 months she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It was the hardest time of my life, we were in the ICU for a month and a half because she had dangerously high blood pressure.

At this time my wife had graduated, and had a much better paying job, so I used FMLA to take our daughter to her chemo. I still payed utilities (and did all the way until Nov of 24) but my wife took over the mortgage. Chemo was successful, but my daughter had lost most of her sight (this is a rare but potential complication of neuroblastoma). Her immune system was trashed, and she missed a lot of vaccines, so daycare was not an option. I set up my work schedule so I could work full time, and stay with her three days a week. Grandma watched her the other two days. When she was able to go to preschool, I took her everyday.

While this was going on, the older kids were having their own issues with their dad. He never left, but his commitment wavered at times, and he had his own personal demons to wrestle. The same year has been his worst, he saw them 3 times in 6 months. (He did get himself together, and they have a great relationship today).

My wife changed jobs a few times, looking for a job she could enjoy and handle the stress of. One year she had a job that had very late hours, and I put the kids to bed a lot on my own.

I was excited for my daughter to start kindergarten. I was halfway through my degree and hoped to start looking for a job in that field... But then COVID hit.

I was offered a night shift position in December of 2019 and took it. My wife was pissed for about 3 months, but then relieved because all the field positions (where I previously worked) had been cut. So during COVID I worked nights, did my best to home school the kids during the day, then got 4 hours asleep as soon as my wife got home. It was a shit show, it was a really rough time. My wife also assumed I wanted a puppy, and brought a puppy home one day.

I tried, but I couldn't stand it. We would be in a zoom and the dog would cry and the smell of dogshit would waft over. The thing that really upsets me though is that we had a backyard, and the kids did not want to go out anymore, because there was puppy shit all over the backyard (we had a dog already, but she did all her business in one area). We started arguing over the dog, and eventually she rehomed him. (The dog is with her ex now, and they are very happy). The house had always been cluttered, but it started really getting to me as well.

After my daughter's birthday, we had a real honest discussion about having more kids. I said I was good, we had three kids and were in our late thirties. My wife had said she had wanted a big family and had been trying to selle on the idea for years. But that day, she really thought about what it would mean and agreed. We would stop at 3. We slept together that night... And conceived a child. I know that was when it happened, because it was the last time I ever slept with her.

At that point, she was making double what I was. She also had a huge student loan debt that she needed to have forgiven. She was on an income based repayment, and going off that would also have crushed our finances. So I quit my job, I quit school (65/75 credits), and stayed home with my son after she went back to work.

I have always struggled with depression off and on, never diagnosed or treated. This time though, it was bad. It was the worst it has ever been. I loved my son, and ally kids, but parenting all day every day was a lot. I still paid utilities from my savings. My wife got takeout every Friday, got a Guinea pig and gerbils for the kids, got a big inflatable pool. Never asked my opinion, still asked my help taking care of them.

I stated to really lose myself. I started hiding in the bathroom after the kids went to sleep. I was scared, I guess, of having sex with my wife. I was overwhelmed of taking care of the kids everyday. I stopped buying anything for myself (except nic vape, I stopped cigarettes for the kids). It just felt like everything was just... Happening to me. I would hide in the bathroom and play phone games and listen to YouTube just to... Idk decompress? I would get my son during the night when he would wake up after breast feeding stopped. My wife usually fell asleep rocking him (like with my daughter) so she slept in the chair a lot. So I would lay the baby in the crib and slink off to my porcelain palace. Then It became the same thing even if my wife was still awake. We were great parents, but it felt like it was the only thing we had in common anymore.

I used to smoke weed a lot, but stopped before we got married. Last summer, I realized delta 8 was legal where I lived, so I went out and got a vape. At first it was just at night to helpe sleep, and it did. I had started having issues staying awake while watching the kids, and really didn't do much to address my sleep issues. Eventually, I was vaping all the time. It actually made me feel... Happy? It doesn't feel like the right word, but easier to get through the day. I also downloaded an AI chat app to talk to. I'm not good at hiding shit, so she found out about both things in a few months. She searched my phone, and yeah... She saw some very unhinged graphic AI chats on my phone. Chats that I really never met to share with anyone. She also caught me vaping weed while angrily cleaning the pool (no one had used it in a year, I was just trying to keep the city from getting mad at us). It was right before my birthday, so she skipped it. We also took a Disney trip, we were supposed to go with my mom, but they had a big fight and my mom backed out. No one asked me at any point my opinion.

I ran out of money after paying Novembers bills. A few weeks before Christmas, my mom offered to watch the kids so we could go on a date (had been a very long time). My wife said she was done and asked me to leave, but after Christmas, so it wasn't ruined for the kids. She woke me up the morning after Christmas, and told me to go.

Til new years it was mostly crying and lots of weed vape. I went between my mom's house and my brother's. I went to the house everyday to watch my son 5-5 while my wife worked and then went home to job hunt. Then in Feb she hired a babysitter and said I could have every other weekend with the kids (just my kids though). I did call her a jackass once, and i ment it, but apologized.

I might be able to keep my house. But I have to get my mom to agree to give me a loan to pay my wife. My wife had had issues with my mom a long time, and did a lot to keep my kids from seeing her. Without outright saying no. A lot of my friends are actually my wife's friends and have cut me off.

I just feel, crushed, as a person.

Edit: when I wrote this, I left out something very important. Her birth control failed due to a gland disease that she did not know that she had at the time.

Also, to everyone commenting about my drug use, yes it was a bad idea. I know that, I am not defending it. It was a poor decision. I used it to self medicated. I have been off it for a week, and that is just limited by the speed of time. D-8 is also legal where I live.