Adjust all volume levels at the same time?

I frequently run into issues where I miss my phone ringing because I've accidentally turned down just the ringer, or notifications, etc. Similarly sometimes know the phone is in silent mode, but the media is still on full and it goes off when I am watching a clip and don't want the sound on.

I also often have the need to adjust my phone's volume level when it's in my pocket, but the volume rocker now just adjusts media and there doesn't seem to be any way to change this so that all the volumes are changed at the same time..

This would let me turn the ringer down while it was in my pocket, and similarly ensure I will hear it ring whnw I'm expecting a call my holding the volume up for a few seconds.

Back in the day there used to be a dual volume bar that woild sometimes be available, and I find it preferable to having to click volume, click the three dots, then drag the sliders around. Here's another (old) thread about this from 5 years ago.

Is there a way to lock all the volumes together natively in the phone? If not, Is there a Tasker profile I can import that works? I'd also (begrudgingly) accept the recommendation of an app to do this as long and it's bulletproof and works flawlessly

Thanks in advance!