Newly diagnosed - what CAN I eat?
28w FTM - I haven’t even seen or spoken to my OB yet about this, I see her tomorrow, but I got my results back from my 2hr test and failed. My Nurse Practitioner just messaged me and her exact message is “No sugars, no pop, candy, nothing, cut back on bread”. She’s quite old school, which is fine, but that message wasn’t particularly helpful lol. It’s honestly just stressing me out worse.
I’m struggling to find any sort of info on what I can eat 😅 I’m not a huge meat eater, I only kinda like eggs, I don’t really like any meat substitutes (beans/chickpeas/etc.). Chicken and ground beef are the only meats I eat. I love lunch meat, but obviously can’t eat that while pregnant.
I love fruit, especially apples and strawberries, but I know that’s high sugar. Love yogurt, high sugar. Popcorn (with butter and salt obvs), high carbs. Chocolate is the love of my life.
I love love pasta. That’s a no. Bread, love, can’t.
The thought of like cauliflower rice and bread is just a hard no for me. I can’t eat just eggs on their own, I only really like eggs and toast/bread of some kind.
I do love chicken. And I just supposed to live off chicken breasts for the rest of this pregnancy? Lol I’m so overwhelmed.
What are everyone’s go-to foods 😅😅😅 I am so at a loss. I fall into what can be considered disordered eating very easily. I’m definitely an “all or nothing” kinda person with food. Other times, I don’t really care, but obviously pregnant I can’t be falling into obsessive calorie counting like I typically would when having to track food. This is my biggest nightmare 🙃