It's not women's job to fix male loneliness?

Straight Men want to be in relationships with women.

Why do I see so many women saying "men need to gaslight themselves into hating relationships" or "just make friends with other men to cure your loneliness" or "women shouldn't be forced to be in relationships with men".

Most men are straight, why do women think being gay or just having a best friend will get rid of men's desires of wanting a wife? Then women get upset that we blame women for our loneliness but women don't want to marry men anymore.

So my question is, why isn't it women's fault that men are lonely? Straight men don't want to be gay and male friendships are not the same as a loving wife.

Edit: The whole "women control access to sex and men control access to relationships" is a bunch of bullshit, 99% of women control both sex and relationships. Only the Chris Browns, LeBron James and Justin Bieber's of the world control both sex and marriage. The remaining 99% of men are completely at the whims of women.

Edit 2: No one has answered my question "why isn't male loneliness women's fault?", the comments are either ad hominem attacks or "we need to get along" (I agree) but no one has answered my question. I've yet to see how men are at fault for male loneliness, we can't marry ourselves.

Edit 3: There are plenty of people really saying "tHe bEst wAy t0 fiX tHe L0NelineSs ePidEmiC iS bY eveRy0Ne emBraCiNg beiNg aLonE. IF wE'rE aLL l0neLy, n0 oNe wiLL bE loNeLy"🤦🤦🤦🤦

Edit 4: Ok so a lot of comments are saying "no one owes you XYZ" I agree but that still means it's women's fault, men are lonely. Every man can't meet the bar of Excellence and the higher the bar is set, the more lonely men there will be. So again, it still goes back to being women's fault, that men are lonely. I don't understand why women can't admit it and wear it with pride, most women don't even care about the male loneliness epidemic.

Edit 5: I'm not saying women have to fix it but it's seems that we've established it is women's fault, just wear it with pride since most of y'all don't care. Also everything in life has consequences, good or bad. So women need to accept the consequences that come with so many lonely men, like orange man winning a certain office.