Series 2 kyber crystal in series 1 Jedi holocron not working how paper tells me they will

The paper inside of the new crystals says it will unlock a different character when I put it in the series 1 Jedi holocron like the white series 2 Crystal says it will unlock asohka and the purple says it will unlock windu but every single series 2 Crystal I stuck in my series 1 Jedi holocron was all old man luke skywalker, is something going on here why am I not getting the voices the paper tells me I will get

Fix: I stuck the little tab piece I pulled out of my series 2 holocron into my series 1 holocron and now all the series 2 kyber crystals are playing the other voice that the paper tells me they should be, instead of defaulting to Luke for each one, so if anyone has this issue just reset your holocron, thanks to trickdaddy1 for telling me to try resetting