Trouble with timing in studying

Hi all,

I am currently grinding out quant studying, and I find that I consistently hit accuracy marks but take WAY more time than average. Below is a sample of a recent "hard" difficulty chapter test (Word Problems from TTP). I am around a minute to 2 minutes slower than the "average tester" across all the questions.

I know the general sentiment is accuracy over time when studying (and I am well exceeding the accuracy requirements,I hit around 80-100% of hard quant questions) but it feels like its taking EXCEEDINGLY long to get through them and not sure I am studying the right way / something is wrong.

I am currently in the process of getting diagnosed for ADHD (pretty certain I have it but not positive) and feel like this could definitely be affecting it.

Any advice to build up some timing while studying or is it better to just keep going and work on timing after?