PM-63C partially deneutered

I picked up a Pioneer Arms PM-63C in 9mm Makarov a while back and promptly purchased a parts kit, had the gun engraved, filed a Form 1, and bode my time.

A short four months later the Form 1 is back and I undertook a mostly successful transplantation of the parts kit's folding stock and foregrip to the new SBR.

Now to be transparent, the SBR conversion is kind of hokey. (As an aside, I think this was a pretty hokey gun as a factory machine pistol and the subsequent semi-auto and SBR conversions have definitely not made it any less so). Anyway, the original machine pistol had a forged lower with some steel shelves to support the stock when it was extended. Those are gone on the aluminum semi lower, so once extended the stock is only supported by the latch bearing against the hole I drilled/filed/mangled for it into the lower. For occasional semi auto use I'm expecting (hoping) this will be fine.

I've included the third photo so you can behold the craftsmanship. When I'm feeling motivated I'll do a bit more filing to square up that upper notch (necessary for the stock to rotate far enough up to slide back into its stowed position).

I've seen a fair number of threads where folks have talked about SBRing these guns but were then scared off by all the stock-unfriendly modifications to the semi-auto lower. To those folks I say just set your standards a little lower and it's really a simple job.