You should send fanmail to your favorite author

This morning I had a wonderful chat via email with Sebastien De Castell, author of the Greatcoat series as well as Spellslinger and some other works.

I adore his books so I sent him a note about Play of Shadows - and he responded! We talked about other books, cool scenes from his works, and publishing and writing in general. Dude's awesome and it was the highlight of my day.

I've also been lucky enough to talk to Anna Smith Spark a few times and Anthony Ryan. Great people, especially Anna, who might be my third favorite person in the world behind my wife and my kid.

Then, of course, if there's any indie authors you read and enjoy, don't be afraid to tell them! I've made wonderful friends out of a few just by saying "yo, that book you wrote was fuckin' dope" or some other inane nonsense like that.

So, for the person reading this, take a shot and send fan mail to your favorites! It's never been easier in this day and age to do so, and they'd surely appreciate it!