My ex husband is trying to access my daughter’s school records, despite the fact that I have sole legal and physical custody of her. He hasn’t been in her life in 6 years and she’s about to turn 18 in a month. Is he legally allowed to have those records and what would he want with them?
It’s non-sensical for him to need/want her records now, as I’ve had sole legal and physical custody of my daughter for over six years—well before this horrific divorce was finalized. Can anyone tell what he would want these records for and whether or not he even has rights to do so?
One possibly important detail is that the divorce was completed and retained by California, while I was given permission to move out of state. I currently live in Texas. My ex lives in Michigan.
Also, he most likely has her social and has a history of calling the police on me for all kinds of made up things. He is a Sociopath (a true one—I’m not just saying it to say it), so that makes this situation extra frightening. I can’t make sense of it when she’s about to turn 18 anyway.