Lower left abdomen pain no idea what is is ??

So basically 2 days ago I noticed a dull bloated pain in my lower left abdomen when I moved or pressed down on it the pain isnt its mild but it's still annoying.

Anyway I went to sleep thinking it was just gas but I wolk up and it was still there this was yesterday and I thought I was just constipated because I only done one stool and it was hard and lumpy but I wolk up today with the same pain but today I have diarrhoea.

Does anyone know if its serious, the pain isnt getting worse or anything but I'm still worried.

I drink alchol but I have stopped for 5 days which is good for me and my diet isnt the best dont know if that's anything to do with it.

(Edit: not sure if this is the correct sub if not could someone tell me the correct one to post this on)