Losing trust in UK Government - SIPP not as attractive?

I know that investing in private pensions is probably THE top investment of choice in this sub many may think I’m insane.. but given the uncertainty and incompetence of the UK government, I was interested to see if anyone else is anxious about parking large amounts of cash into private pensions? And if anyone else had made an emotionally driven decision not to (or to stop)?

I see investing in property get slated as an awful investment by many in here. A lot of the reasons why are because of tax changes, government interference and probable even more government interference.

I also see a lot on this sub, people that know they would be better off investing into ETF’s rather than overpay their mortgage - but they decide to overpay the mortgage as it just feels right for them. The emotional decision (which isn’t always the best financial decision), is sometimes accepted, as peace of mind also holds value.

Could similar be said to people doubting whether paying into a private pension is right for them? An emotionally driven choice based on a total lack of trust in the UK government? It seems like the goalposts will keep moving. From age you are eligible to access your money, to the tax you pay on what you withdraw, to whatever else they may choose to do. I think most people in this sub are confident that there will be many negative changes and government interference to private pensions in the coming years/decades.

I know how tax effective they can be - and the ‘free’ money you get in tax relief. But I personally find it hard to want to lock up so much into something when the terms are very much in the hands of the UK government.