I have hundreds of hours in Rebirth and just learned about “tag-team” attacks
No, not synergy skills or abilities (which should be renamed because I can never remember which is which).
Tag-team attacks are a way to switch characters, teleport, and perform an attack simultaneously. From the wiki:
Switching a character with Up or Down while holding R1 (known as Tag Team) teleports the party member the player is switching to the enemy (airborne for Cloud, Tifa, and Yuffie) along with a unique attack animation.
I just tested it and yeah it’s real. It’s a pretty small thing, but I just checked the synergy skill tutorial and it’s not mentioned. Nor is it mentioned in the manual as far as I can tell. There is a tiny UI element when holding block, but I think I have those hints turned off and it’s incredibly easy to miss.
A quick search confirms that it’s been discussed before, but I thought it might be good to bring up again after the PC release.
Did anyone else completely miss this? More importantly, did anyone make use of this during their playthrough?
I also found this excellent thread with a bunch of “hidden” mechanics.