Unanimous Vote needs 1 vote but TM not responding

I had an oversight on setting miscellaneous scoring for individual players getting credit for PR and KR yards by default this is turned off. I had some members mention this to me. I proposed a change to turn those scoring settings off and leave that to the DF/ST. We have 9/10 votes and I messaged and emailed the last TM directly and it will be 24 hours since the proposal this evening. I haven’t seen him in the app but he was losing incredibly bad so I can understand him not checking his team when he knows he was defeated regardless. But all he has to do is read the proposal and vote yes or no. In season rule changes are unanimous but I’d hate to leave this be when 90% of the league agrees it should be changed. Do I just leave it be if I get no response? I have a rule if you are inactive for 14 days and that means no lineup moves or waiver additions and the commissioner has questioned the TM the team gets kicked. So he hasn’t reached that point yet. But I would like to change this when it is still early. Am I just overthinking this?