Question regarding marriage as a sacrament

I grew up in a “non-denominational” aka baptist-light church and was baptized within that denomination as a Christian. My future spouse has a similar background.

Some other information that may be relevant, my future spouse has been married before, and so this would be a remarriage for him.

We are set to be married this year, and a friend of mine that I grew up with, who is a minister at a non-denominational church, will be carrying out our ceremony.

Without getting into specifics, I haven’t been to a church in a while and have re-evaluated my beliefs and feel Episcopalian is right for me. I am hoping to find a church and eventually get confirmed.

Since we would not be getting married in an episcopal wedding, but still in christian ceremony, would it be considered a sacramental or civil marriage to the church?

I know we could discuss receiving a blessing later, but I am more wanting to know about the sacrament.