I am so confident that a DLC trailer will drop this month that I will sell my bone marrow if it doesn't happen.

Why am I so confident?

  • https://releases.com/p/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree/-/us confirms that Elden Ring DLC will release this February. (you could argue this could be fake, but with all the other hints, I doubt it)
  • The Ringed City (The last DLC from-software released, released the trailer around the same window in Q1 of the year)
  • Tekken 8 has had all its advertising done and out of the way, meaning that the only real release left is Shadow of the Erdtree
  • The Elden Ring twitter account has stopped doing lore posts, (those weekly heart-attacks to check if we got DLC or not, followed by "let them cook" replies) and is now dead silent. I wonder why?
  • The "Elden Ring" Youtube playlist for the Bandai Namco has been updated, which is strange considering this hasn't happened before, and nothing was added to the playlist.
  • Finally, the SteamDB for Elden Ring added the 5th mysterious DLC which hasn't been given a name, but has had quality assurance and constant updates. But in all honesty, what could it be than Shadow of the Erdtree?
  • The Thrustmaster Elden Ring controller supposedly syncing with the "Shadow of the Erdtree" release
  • Most importantly, I don't believe From-software would let that one singular image have a one year anniversary before getting a trailer. (Then again there is a game called Hollow Knight Silk-song, so)

As for evidence to showcase I actually sold the bone marrow, I'll use https://bloodstemcell.hrsa.gov to give my bone marrow away. I'll look more into it as February goes on, I'm sure I'll be given a form of some sort to confirm it.

What do I have to gain from this? I am putting so much on the line for nothing? A video game DLC? Are you kidding me?

no, I believe there's a higher chance the sun explodes then not getting a DLC trailer. Not some image like last time, but like a full trailer showcasing new weapons, armor, spells, and etc. A CGI trailer would count as well. It can't just be another image, that doesn't count and I would sell my bone marrow.

You know what? How about a guess? I think the trailer will release this Monday, 2/5/24, but I won't sacrifice anything if it does or doesn't happen.

The only rules are that it must be a video showcasing more info about the DLC in some way, and it must happen within the time span of 2/3/24 - 2/29/24. Luckily it's a leap year so I get one extra day, you can use "RemindMe! 27 days" to notify yourself and comment bomb me on this post to tell me to sell my bone marrow.

This isn't casual gambling like slamming my privates into a car door if the SoTE trailer isn't shown at the game awards.

It's competitive gambling now.