Megaera, Sister of jealousy

Scorned by her fellow sisters of The Black Knives for her jealousy over Alecto and her position as Ringleader, Megaera attempted a failed usurpation of leadership and was swiftly delivered Destined Death much like that of Godwyn. Fortunately for Megaera, her Destined Death was prolonged and, rather than becoming a rotting corpse, she was bound into a state of half-life, though unfortunately her prolonged life didn't take affect until after her body had begun rotting leaving her with a permanent reminder of her failure on the left-hand side of her face. Fury overwhelmed Megaera over her beauty being tainted, and now after being consumed by her hatred has Megaera pledged herself to the very god she had a hand in slaying solely so that she can use Godwyn's power of undeath to slay the remaining few of her sisters.

Items used: Fia's Hood, Night's Cavalry Armor (Altered), Queen's Bracelets, Sanguine Noble Waistcloth, Black Knife, Ghostflame Torch, and Prince of Death's Staff