Anyone else feel really worried about the ambition of eu5?
It's not real secret that Tinto is designing a really ambitious game. So so so many goods, locations, religions, culture, languages all divided into countless different categories.
This is really cool and all but I am worried that with so much going into arguably needless content the pure mechanics of eu5 will be quite lacking. Even a studio focused on a potential huge money maker that is eu5 cannot possibly have the resources to make a game with the rest of the systems as complex as the work done on the map.
Still early days to be fair and they're releasing more and more on the actual content of the game but really feels like the dev team is wasting time by differentiating between tar and naval supplies or worrying about a unique religion in every irrelevant backwater.
Even more so from a content perspective - it doesn't really matter if there is huge religious and/or cultural diversity if they don't result in significant gameplay differences. (Eg. Culture specific reforms, mission trees)