Something I am feeling about This Inevitable Ruin (no spoilers)
So I’m an audiobook reader who hasn’t touched it yet.
Back in the dark ages of media releases and when I was a teenager, I would be extremely hyped for a peice of media. Halo Reach and Halo 3: ODST are the two examples I remember. Like. Omg it’s here. Pokemon games also came to mind.
For Halo especially, I went to school but my dad who was off work the day of the release went to pick up the preorder at GameStop. Then I would come home and my older brother and I booted the game up and just jammed. Played the campaign, multiplayer etc.
It was a huge amount of hype. Preorders, previews, teasers, etc I ate it up. And the juice was often worth the squeeze. But over time with digital releases, aging and enshitification of AAA media I don’t feel that. I often wait years after a games release (2 years with botw) before engaging with something.
But the book 7 release makes me feel like I’m back in middle school waiting for halo. Im going to plan my weekend and Thursday leading into it to have less work, I’m not making any plans. I’m not going to just do nothing but I’m know what I’m going to be listening to. And I know it’s going to be good. The book already has a big stamp of approval from fans who have read the paper version and Jeff Hayes’ work speaks (literally) for itself.
Rare thing these days and it speaks volumes for me as to how much I love this series.