Extended DMT experience questions
I have never done DMT. I did marijuana extracts when I had cancer, because it dulled the pain, and made my nausea go away.
I recently became aware of the fact that many people under the influence of DMT see the same entities, and there are links between a DMT trip and near death experiences (NDEs): https://www.bbc.com/bbcthree/article/dd52796e-5935-414e-af0c-de9686d02afa
Furthermore, there is this connection between both NDEs and DMT trips and some of the aliens encountered during ufo abductions. Specifically, in many dmt trip stories there is a mantis creature, and in one of the NDE recounts, the NDE experiencer remembered a past life as... a mantis creature. And in some of the UFO abduction stories a mantis creature is depicted as the boss of the grays.
Furthermore, on the UFO side of things, in the biologist leak, the biologist makes a passing mention to the alien religion, where the aliens view the soul (consciousness) as a field, much like how gravity is a field, or the higgs field that makes mass work is a field. In their view, fostering life enhances this field, and all conscious life is connected by their brains to this field. The relevant info is at the bottom of the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/14rp7w9/from_the_late_2000s_to_the_mid2010s_i_worked_as_a/
So, this leads me to a question. If a person takes DMT, and the DMT is not a true hallucinogen, but is instead breaking down the barriers between the normal conscious mind, and the soul or world consciousness field somehow, could excessive or repeated or sustained use put the user into a state where they gain abilities of some sort? A basic skill one could see two DMT users gaining access to is telepathy, because if this drug is deepening a connection to this natural psychic field, then this could be akin to two computers (minds) being hooked into an internet connection, allowing communication.
I have only found one document on this: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344981128_Psychedelic_Telepathy_An_Interview_Study
The study also says that users under the effect of psychedelics reported increased amounts of precog.
I am looking for any stories or literature involving long term DMT trips. Normally DMT is metabolized in 10 minutes or so, with detectable amounts remaining in the bloodstream for up to two hours after use. If the DMT were administered in a continuous infusion intravenously, this could allow a trip to last for many hours. I am looking for any tests done where two or mor participants had an intravenous DMT drip lasting at least 3 hours, where they attempted to communicate with their partners in the experiment.
Afterwards, if they were able to make contact in the DMT dream, I want to know what was said, and I want both experiencers to have a code word to tell the other experiencer while in the dream that the other partner does not know in advance. If anyone knows of any studies similar to this, I would be grateful.