The nonsense of the classic players event
Difficulty of collecting classic players: As you know, classic players are collected with 50,000, 80,000, 130,000 and 200,000 points and we collect an average of 150 points per win. This much effort for 4 players is ridiculous. I wish we had collected 300-400 points instead of an average of 150 points per match, or the event had ended with a score of 150,000 instead of a very high score of 200,000.
Point boosts: You can pay 100 diamonds to collect points faster and there is a 60% chance of collecting +50% (225 instead of 150), a 30% chance of collecting +75% (~275 instead of 150), or a 10% chance of collecting +150% points (375 instead of 150). Absolute nonsense. Fortunately, the developers lowered the cost from 100 diamonds to 50 diamonds, which is ridiculous that these boosts even exist.
The rewards other than classic players are ridiculous: When you reach 100,000, you unlock a legendary agent. Or other ridiculous rewards at other levels. What does this have to do with classic players? The only good rewards are classic player development coaches.
In conclusion, this event that FTG brought to the game is complete nonsense. Why are we trying so hard for 4 players? It's ridiculous. I hope they fix this nonsense in the next update (even though I don't have any hope).
Let's also mention this: Many people say that the icons that came were bad (for example, people would have liked to see Ronaldo Nazario instead of Šuker), but remember, FTG's budget is only that much and it's not even comparable to EA Sports or Konami. I personally liked this 1998 World Cup event and the players that came, but it's a lot of work to get just 4 players. This is also ridiculous.