Six month puppy keeps peeing on everything! What can we do? :(

We are at our wits end with this.

We adopted a six month old puppy from a shelter two weeks ago and she keeps peeing on the furniture. We had a rug she would pee on and I removed that and all is good.

We rent a house that was prefurnished. The previous renters had cats and dogs.

At night we crate her and she was peeing a little on the bed, so I took that out and she hasn’t peed at all in there, so that’s going well. One solid week of no peeing in the crate.

I take her out every half hour to hour and praise her for peeing. In the same spot.

She is still peeing on the couches. I don’t yell at her and redirect her when I see her doing it. It’s not a strong smell but it’s annoying. I have been using Natures Miracle when she does it.

We were at the vet and they didn’t think she had a UTI since they didn’t want to run a urinalysis.

Will this just take time? What can I do differently?

Edit: my partner wants to take her back to the shelter and I absolutely refuse to abandon her because she is used to shelter life but want to find a way to make this better