Need a Name for "Fake Mage" Class

Hi Everyone!

Edit 3: It has been decided!
There will be 4 names for this class:

  • The name used by the general public and in my document for the class description will be "Binder". It captures the essence of what the class is very nicely, without any strong positive or negative connotations baked in.
  • The scientific name will be "Arcanomancer". It captures how Binders are created and sounds sciency.
  • The derogatory term used by the Sorcerers who live in fear of the Binders will be "Tick" ("Zecke" in German), since they suck the magic out of the Sorcerers.
  • The somewhat glorified name used by the government will be "Scourge" ("Geißel" in German). Sorcerers are believed to be evil, so the Scourge will bring divine punishment upon them.

Thank you everyone for helping me out!

-------Original Post-------

I'm a classic forever DM (and I love it!) and I'm currently working on my own setting.
In this setting, there are weird scientists, who take the magic out of Sorcerers (the only casters whose magic comes from within) and implant it into another humanoid.
As you'd imagine, this transference does not work in a 1 to 1 way, so the resulting "fake mage" has powers that are somewhat different from a Sorcerer's. Therefore they need a different name.

I've got some Ideas already, most of which use the -mancer template. My favourites so far are "Pseudomancer" (from Greek; "False Diviner") and "Mimeomancer" (from Greek; "Imitation Diviner"). These aren't bad, but I feel there is something better out there.

Here's some Info about this homebrew class:

  • They're a full caster, with CON being their casting stat (I know, but I'm trying my best).
  • They will have a special resource akin to sorcery points (They're derived from the Sorc after all). Points don't have a name yet. Suggestions welcome!
  • There will be a melee subclass and a ranged subclass.
  • The melee subclass will be using a heavily limited spell list, but can expend points for cool effects. Think Sorcerer meets Barbarian. Working title is "Sarcomancer".
  • The ranged subclass will use their points to add special effects to their spells, kinda like Metamagic. Working title is "Hemomancer".
  • I'm planning to put in a third subclass, preferrably something that facilitates Gish gameplay (think Bladesinger Wizard), but I'm unsure of how I'll be doing this. Working title is "Osteomancer".

If you have any input for the name (or for mechanics for that matter) feel free to post here.

Thanks in Advance!

This is how magic works in my setting: (it does not have the weave)

All living things create magic, which they store in their bodies. If the body-storage-place (think of it as a tank) gets filled up, any escess magic will "spill over". This is the magic, that can be harnessed by spelcasters. (Sorcerers are an exception to this). The rate at which it is created and the amount that can be stored is different between species and individuals. Humanoids usually have enough to learn a single cantrip. Animals and plants don't have enough to do anything with, so theirs just spills slowly into the world. Fun fact: Cats sometimes have a lot of magic, so in rare cases they can cast revivify on themselves. Sorcerers are individuals who generate magic quickly and can store vast amounts of it. Since any creature can tap into it's own magic reserves, Sorcerers can cast magic intrinsically.

So this new class shares the sorcerer's special property of being able to cast magic without first channeling it from outside of them. They will use their bodies to cannel the stolen magic, hence the CON casting.

Edit 2:
This is how these artificial mages are made:

There is a secret government agency (the government is an oppressive theocracy) that captures Sorcerers and transplants their powers into their own fighters (or guinea pigs), who will then be used as Mage-Hunters. There are also other Mage-Hunters, so sadly the name is already taken.