Does this study mean racism and mass deportations in Europe are based now?

I’ve heard Steven say a lot of times that immigrants always have a positive impact on a counties economy. If I’m not wrong he was referring to GDP. This makes sense to me because more people consume more etc. but in general we also want immigrants to be contributors to the welfare system. At least here in Europooristan. We want people to pay in more than they take out.

Now I’ve come across this study by a pretty credible German government funded source that immigration in the Netherlands is a net negative for the Dutch government and only 20% of immigrants make a positive contribution to the Dutch government budget. This is true even for 2nd generation immigrants who attain similar education levels to native Dutch kids of the same social class but they earn and contribute less than the Dutch kids will. Especially asylum seekers contribute very little (duh).

I’m pro immigration and pro asylum but I won’t lie that I’m pretty shocked by this. I would have assumed 80% of immigrants make a net positive contribution and of course I’m a bit regarded for being so off… but it leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth and a bit of doubt if European immigration policy is actually a lot more fucked than I thought.

Destroy me with facts and logic please.

Link to study: