Seeking Advice: Finding the Right Design Career Path


I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and lost, could really use some guidance. Despite putting in the effort to refine my design skills and understanding of design thinking, I'm struggling to figure out which direction to take.

I genuinely enjoy every aspect of designing, whether it's the research or the creative process. Currently, I'm proficient in tools like Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Procreate, Spline, and Blender, and I have experience with various projects including graphic design, brand design, illustration, and UI design.

However, I'm confused between product design and graphic design(specifically brand design), and I'm unsure which path to pursue or which internships to seek out. Having broad set of projects and skills is putting me at a disadvantage when it comes to jobs or internships and curating a portfolio.

How do you figure this situation out what can be my next steps? Help me make a decision based of employment opportunities and salary aspect also what job roles or internships should I target?

If anyone has been through a similar situation or has any insights to offer, I would greatly appreciate your advice. Thank you in advance for your help!