What are your thoughts about Alyssa v Stephanie and the fall out

Maybe I'm forgetting something (please let me know if I am), but my recollection is Alyssa discussed a plan about getting out Kim because she was too cut throat too early. Stephanie knew about the plan and wanted to play the middle, so she didn't say no but was hoping to not be a major part of the plan. Her gamble failed and she didn't enact the plan, instantly creating a target on her. This feels like very typical reality game show stuff. Maybe Stephanie doesn't watch much of those, but it doesn't seem like a huge deal. Then Alyssa was in on Aaron's plan to get Stephanie. Plan didn't work out and was revealed to Stephanie, but again, nothing seemed like a "dirty" tactic. Then Stephanie was put up against the banker with obvious target of Alyssa if she won. Then in the middle of the game, she blew up at Alyssa, she's at least there to talk back if needed. Then she won and starts talking after Alyssa couldn't defend herself. Aaron says he'll avenge Alyssa. Aaron tries to defend her and storms off. Then episode 8 opens with them kinda bullying Aaron.

Imo, I was fine with everything on both sides until bullying Aaron. Everything else, heat if the moment fine enough, but then you had time to cool off and you decide to bully Aaron for saying he would avenge her. I am pretty sure one of the Night Owls said the same thing earlier to Kim when she left. Idk, Night Owls kinda seem like the villains here to me.