Gifting Walk faster Pass

Hi!! I got some extra Robux so I'll be gifting one (1) Walk Fast Pass since the map is HUGE now and it's harder to finish fits due to it's size. To enter the giveaway it's really easy.

1- Please friend me on Roblox so I can join and gift you, username is Okumura_RinRin, showcase name is MSalyoun. Once I gift you or the Giveaway is done you can unfriend.

2- Please show me your 2 best outfits as a subscription.

3- Tell me about your experience playing DTI, tell me which gamepasses you have and what's your rank since people with no gamepasses will have a preference and people with higher ranks with no gamepasses will have a preference as well.

The Giveaway will be taking hold from March 10th until March 15th 12:00 GMT-3. Once the giveaway is over I'll be posting the results along the proof of the Giveaway. Good luck, and I'll be waiting, be nice and may the best diva win!