Combat Insight
For the DMs, how have you handled this?
I’ve done something like this once before when the whole party had readied actions to attack the first thing that came in sight; I allowed the Insightful Rogue to make an Insight check and assess that the other two were likely to kill the first goblin that jumped out and hold their attack for the next one. But that’s obviously not quite the same effect as what they made canon for DC20.
When a player makes a successful Combat Insight check on a creature and learns it plans to attack the Wizard, but then the Cleric casts Shield of Faith (or whatever it is in DC20) and makes themself a juicier target, do you consider yourself “locked in” on the outcome you told the players? I would think not, but I see this as a point of friction where some DMs are going to metagame and manipulate/lie about intentions, or players will falsely accuse them of such, or players will try to metagame and manipulate/lie for their own gain, etc etc.
Any issues arise like this at your table? Any solutions you consider foolproof?