Azure's Blade Command Theory
I was thinking about the potential Command for Vivenna's Awakened sword. I think the Command for the sword is "Defend Good". I believe Vivenna is the one who gave the command to awaken the sword. She may have been worried about the sword getting out of the hands of herself or those with good intentions and decided to try a Command that is similar to Nightbloods, but in a way that couldn't end up as destructive in her opinion. Although this Command has worked out much better than the Command for Nightblood, or the Father Machine from YatNP, I think the awakened object will still struggle to identify what defines 'Good' in the same way Nightblood struggles to define 'Evil'.
Vasher definitely isn't sharing how Nightblood was created after seeing what the destruction Sharsara's creation has caused. The only other one who knows how to do this is Yesteel.
I think in the upcoming sequel to Warbreaker Nightblood Yesteel will reveal this information to Vivenna. She will at some later point feel forced to create a weapon similar to Nightblood, and will try to use what she knows about Nightbloods Command 'Destroy Evil' and tries to improve on that Command with 'Defend Good'.
Her intention with the Command is for the sword to be useless for someone who seeks to use it for 'Evil'. I have seen the theories of the Command for the sword being 'Cut' or 'Be a Sword', however I think Vivenna's intention with her Command includes her thought process into the idea of what could happen if the sword was to fall into the wrong hands and she has tried to prevent that with this Command. However I do think that it still will not work out perfectly, and the theme of Awakened objects Commands not working out as intended will be a theme throughout the stories in the Cosmere.
TLDR: Azure's Sword Command is 'Defend Good'