Hoid Motivation Theory
I've been speculating on Hoid's long term purpose and goal in the cosmere
I believe that Hoid is trying to bring someone back who passed into the beyond. In particular, I think he wants to bring back his daughter who passed away.
We know that Hoid wants to change the rules.
DCD328 [Personalization Request] To Hoid, with a message that hints at his quest.
Brandon Sanderson To make that which once was.
We know that Hoid has had several relationships, including one who later went on to become a vessel for a Shard.
Questioner Wit's dated a dragon; has Wit also dated a Shard?
Brandon Sanderson Wit has dated someone who wasn't a Shard at the point, but at some point in the future became a Vessel for a Shard of Adonalsium.
I believe that Hoid had a daughter with this person. Their daughter passed in a tragic way, leaving both of them heartbroken. They both started down a path trying to undo her death and bring her back from the Beyond. I believe this is that cause that Brandon has stated he would not join up with.
Gatlin A Jordan If you were part of the cosmere, would you join up with Hoid's cause?
Brandon Sanderson Would I join up with Hoid's cause? I do not believe I would.
Hoid possessed a dawnshard prior to the shattering. We learn in The Sunlit Man that it was a Dawnshard that was long in the possession of Hoid with an Intent that is diametrically opposed to violence and harm. This dawnshards Intent seems to be about living. I believe he originally sought out this dawnshard to try to use it to bring his daughter back to life. This failed or wasn't doable, and led to Hoid's role in the Shattering since he may have believed that Adonalsium was the one preventing him from achieving his goal. He worked with 16 others to achieve this, one of who was his partner. His partner did pick up a Shard, but ether from intent restrictions, an inability, or a conscious decision couldn't bring their daughter back. This led to her and Hoid having a massive arguement and break up. I believe that the vessel for Valor is the Shard that was Hoid's partner.
Hoid avoiding his ex after this arguement is the main reason that according to the RoW chapter 22 epigraph Harmony states " I think that Valor is reasonable, and suggest you approach her again. It has been too long, in her estimation, since your last conversation." I believe Hoid will accept this advice after the events of WaT, as the dangers to the cosmere as a whole will prompt him to open discussions with her again.
Brandon has described Hoid as selfish, and has often spoken about not always agreeing with Hoid and his complex moral compass. I think the story of the cosmere will highlight Hoid's willingness to sacarfice to achieve his goal. This may lead to a conflict where Hoid is not on the side of the point of view characters in the later cosmere and could create an interesting arc for him at the end of the cosmere story.
TLDR: Hoid wants his dead daughter back and has been working towards that goal for millennia since her death.